Monday, October 11, 2010

The Auburn Cord Dusenberg Automobile Museum, A "Classic"

While we were in the Auburn, Indiana area we decided to tour the The Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile Museum, a national historic landmark.  Wow!  I'm I glad we did.  MSNBC News named the Auburn Cord Dusenberg Automobile Museum one of the “Top Ten Gearhead Destinations in the United States.”  I don't claim to be a gearhead, but was amazed at how things were done in the early 1900's.

You can walk the same hallways as the automotive giants of yesterday. Touring the museum will give you an impression of what a day at Auburn Automobile Company must have been like in the 1930s.  There are many displays to look at and read.  The building that was the original sales building and the factory is open for tours.

If you want to experience a pure touch of elegance of the 1930's, this is the place.  I was amazed at the craftsmanship used in the production of the Auburn.  Each car on display was detailed and perfect.  There was even an Auburn that had over 150,000 miles on it, in original condition.  Besides for a few oil leaks and barely noticeable wear on the seats, it looked great.  These cars were expensive, but quality was part of the process.

I have grouped numerous pictures together for your viewing pleasure.  Enjoy!

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