Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Maritimes, Part 3

We arrived at the Nova Scotia border.  The narrow, curvy roads of the coast in New Brunswick was a challenge, but the TCH 1 highway was welcomed.  Trans Canadian Highway 1 is the main highway running east to west.  The farther north we went, the more sparse the land looked.  This is a harsh land during the winter.  Most of the population is around the coast of Nova Scotia.

Highway sign, exit for the visitors center.

We stopped in at the Nova Scotia Welcome visitors center.  It was very informative and I highly recommend the stop.  One word of caution, the parking lot is not designed for RVs.  We found a parking spot, but we had to work at it.

We would stop and fuel up when we had the opportunity. We always had plenty of fuel on board and always kept our tank above the 1/2 mark. Fuel was expensive in the Maritimes, but the comfort factor of a full tank was welcome. Remember, some areas were very remote.

Time to do the math.  Remember, I said the fuel was expensive.  This pump is stated in Canadian dollars, $295.58.  This equals appoximately $1.04 CA per liter.  (1 liter = 0.264172052 US gallons or 1 US gallon = 3.78541178 liter)  At the time we were visiting Canada, one US dollar equaled 1.04 Canadian dollars.  All these numbers add up to approx $3.90 US per gallon.  At this time, fuel was $2.80 a gallon in the US.

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